Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Research day Call for abstracts

Abstract guidelines:

Please indicate the type of presentation according to the above list.

  • The titles of potential presentations should be no longer than 15 words and abstracts should be no longer than 250 words.
  • Please follow the following structure for the abstract:
    • A statement of the purpose of the presentation (preferably in one sentence).
    • A brief mentioning of the theoretical framework, if applicable, and/or the rationale for the study.
    • Details of methods and procedures for collecting data or conducting the study.
    • A summary of the results obtained (if it is an empirical study), or the major points to be made.
    • A conclusion.
    • A brief reflection on practical, methodological, or theoretical implications. Abstracts should not include vague statements such as “results will be discussed”.
  • The abstract should not include keywords or references. Abbreviations should be written out the first time they are used.