Meet your Academic Student Association & Student Chapter

What are ASAs/SCs and which one do I belong to?

Academic Student Associations (ASAs) or Student Chapters (SCs) are a group of senior students from the faculty that represent you and the rest of the faculty students. At the NWU, we choose new ASAs/SCs annually.

ASAs/SCs act as the link between you and the faculty, help you with any complaints/queries that you may have, guide you the right direction and organise events for current and prospective students, among others.

On our Mahikeng and Vanderbijlpark Campus, we refer to this group of representative students as Student Chapters. Our Mahikeng and Vanderbijlpark Campuses each have their own SC for all the students within the faculty. On our Potchefstroom Campus, we refer to this group of representative students as Academic Student Associations.


Student Chapter at Mahikeng Campus

Welcome First-Years

It is with great pleasure and honour to welcome all of you to Faulty of Health Sciences Mahikeng Campus, you did not make a mistake by choosing this field of study for your future career. In this field of study, we take care of human beings’ physical, emotional and mental health.

The colour pink represents the Faculty of Health Sciences and pink is associated with love and kindness. This is who we are, young upcoming professionals with love and kindness. The Faculty of Health Sciences is recognized nationally and internationally, take this opportunity to excel in your academics, each second counts, please use it wisely to study hard so that you can graduate.

If and when you face any challenges please come and discuss it with the Health Sciences Student Chapter leaders. We are here to assist and help you adapt into your new home, which is the North-West University.

Lastly, I would like to encourage all of you to listen to your lecturers, programme leaders  and seek advice when necessary.

Warm regards.


Ms Busisiwe Molefe
Health Sciences Student Chapter Chairperson 2020/21
Tel: +27 (0) 72 515 2323

Studen Chapter contact details here
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Student Chapter at Vanderbijlpark Campus


Dear Fellow Students

It is of great privilege to welcome you to the Faculty of Health Sciences. Congratulations for making it this far. Welcome to the family of heroes who sees the well-being of each individual as a priority.

You are about to begin one of the most exciting times in your life. Everyone at the Faculty wants to help you make your journey as a Health Sciences’ student safe and enjoyable.

At the Faculty, Student Leaders are friendly and a call away to assist. We are all team players because, together Everyone Achieves More. Most importantly, do not forget to be yourself!

By being yourself,
You put something
Wonderful in the
World that was not
There before
-Edwin Elliot

Goodluck with your studies. Be brave, stay wise and keep hope.
Regards in health.

Mr Palesa Msibi
Tel: +27 (0) 82 750 6208


Academic Student Association at Potchefstroom Campus

Occupational Hygiene - SALUTEM

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Ralph Waldo Merson once said the following: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”


If you are reading this, it means you are about to take your first steps as a full-fledged student at the NWU Potchefstroom!

Entering as a first-year student at the North-west University of Potchefstroom this year will be filled with new experiences. With new experiences comes new anxieties, unfamiliar settings can bring along many uncertainties which may leave you with feelings of doubt. Although this may feel overwhelming… please do not fret – this is completely normal!

As this year kicks-off, there is a few tips that, as a senior, I would like to share with you.

  1. Stay on top of your work.
  2. Set a schedule.
  3. Learn the campus.
  4. Make connections in class (form study groups)
  5. Use a planner! Life gets busy – remembering important things can be a struggle.

And finally…
Cherish your time at the NWU – it flies by!

Ansulé Engelbrecht
SALUTEM Chairperson, 2020/21
066 264 6492

Consumer Sciences - CONSUMIDOR

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Dearest First -Year

What a privilege to say that you made the best choice when you chose the NWU. I want to congratulate you on being accepted at this university. Welcome to the NWU-family and welcome to the Consumer Science family!

So, it is official now: you're in the adult world. The challenges are great, but so are the joys. You are going to learn a lot about yourself and the world. You are going to wonder, wish, scare, laugh, and jump. No matter what happens, we are here! As a committee AND friends. Enjoy every moment of your student life. Before you wipe your eyes, this is also a thing of the past. Be strong, you're going to make it work!

Now you may ask, who exactly are we and what is our purpose:

We are Consumidor; which is the Subject Group, Consumer Sciences’ Academic Student Association or in short ASA.  Our purpose is to guide each one of you in your transition from school to university, to make it less “scary”. We are also here to tend to any academic needs. Also, if you have a complaint regarding your academics, we are one of the links which you can go through. We grant support from the students’ side. We offer support when you don’t know where everything is or when you just need someone to talk to.

Well yes! You’ve got this!

May your journey as a Consumer Scientist in the making be blessed.

Best wishes

Carla Sanders
CONSUMIDOR Chairperson, 2020/21
083 539 8315

Nursing - CURONA

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Dear 1st year nursing students of 2021.

Welcome to the School of Nursing. We look forward to meeting you.  At the School of Nursing we are a family and take care of each other. Nursing is tough but it’s been one of the best experiences in my life and I hope you find it all the same. The year 2020 taught us one thing, and that is that nurses are  valuable in our society and they are scarce. So thank you for joining us, we are going to have so much fun together while learning and becoming the best nurses we be.

Best regards,

Lourien Potgieter
CURONA Chairperson, 2020/21
082 920 3478

Human Movement Sciences - KINETIKOS

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Voornemende Eerstejaar van die onmisbare Skool vir Menslike Bewegingskunde.

Ons is trots op jou! Eerstens het jy gekies om by die ongelooflike NWU te kom studeer en net toe ons dink jy kan ons nie nog meer beïndruk nie, kies jy om deel te wees van Kinetikos. Glo my jy kan goeie keuses maak!

We believe that the NWU's "claim to fame" and definitely Kinetikos'  'pride and joy' will always be our High Performance Institute of Sport!

The fact that more than 1 000 international athletes make use of the NWU's High Performance Institute for their pre-season training, leaves us with no other conclusion that our facilities are the best there is! Several outdoor and even indoor sports fields and facilities will be yours, as a Kinetikos student, to be proud of!

The new NWU Centre for Health and Human Performance (CHHP) is definitely taking our level of expertise to an even greater height!  Expertise and experience of the NWU’s Institute of Psychology and Wellbeing, the Institute for Sport Science and Development as well as the Institute for Biokinetics will be combined to form a well-oiled machine!

Kinetikos students are known as the hardworking yet fun- and sport-loving people.  EN  juis daarom maak ons altyd tyd om by te dra en deel te neem aan JOOl, 'n aksie hier en daar, blikkieskosdag, kaalvoetdag en nog soveel meer!

Dis hier waar jy die beste nóg toegerus sal word vir JOU toekoms!

Ons sien uit om JOU te ontmoet!


Cherise Fourie
KINETIKOS Chairperson, 2020/21
064 143 2010

Social Work - CARITAS

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Contact details here

Let us start by congratulating you for performing excellently with your academics and achieving success in spite of the challenges that 2020 has thrown your way. Well done we are so proud of you!

It is with great pleasure that we here at Caritas (The Academic Student Association of Social Work) welcomes you to the North-West University!

We are looking forward to embark on this new and exciting Journey with you and cannot wait to support you throughout your first steps in making your dreams come true! 

Let us dive into 2021 with a huge expectation of restoration, growth and finding new adventures.

Thank you for choosing the path of unconditional love. Your passion for social work will inspire and help those around you!

We are looking forward to meeting you!

With love,

Taskeen Bakharia
Caritas Chairperson, 2020/21
081 430 8219

Psychology - PRIVATUS

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Dear First Year,

Welcome to North-West University.

The PRIVATUS Committee is here to support you in all your academic endevours within the Department of Psychology.

Best of luck and enjoy each moment.

Melissa van der Merwe
PRIVATUS Chairperson, 2020/21
071 675 1013

Nutrition and Physiology - VIVIENTE

Student Representatives contact details here

Dear First Year,

Welcome to North-West University.

The Viviente Committee is here to support you in all your academic endevours within the programmes of Nutrition and Physiology.

Best of luck and enjoy each moment.

Kéan van Rensburg
VIVIENTE Chairperson, 2020/21
083 372 3937

Pharmacy - PASV

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To Our B Pharm 1st year students,

After your recent medical check-up, it was discovered that you show symptoms of 1st year Eagerness and Anxiety disease.

We, as the PASV would like to prescribe the following for the coming term.




This treatment will leave you infected with unlimited opportunities to enjoy campus life by learning, exploring, and engaging with fellow students.

The final part of the treatment, can only be completed by you as our patient. Welcome to the faculty and new academic year! We are thrilled to be connecting with you as you participate in an exciting educational journey of discovery.

We can’t wait to see you at your follow-up appointment!

Christiaan Opperman
PASV Chairperson, 2020/21
079 226 1709