
Director's office

  Prof Pieter Kruger

  Director: CHHP; Consultant psychologist; Professor of clinical psychology.
  +27 18 299 1737
  Building E8, Room G18., Potchefstroom
  B.A.Hons; M.A. (Clin. Psych); PhD.
  Clinical Psychology (anxiety disorders), Elite performance (sport and business)

  Mrs Sonia Minnaar

  Project Manager; Fianances.
  +27 18 285 2273
  Building E8, Room 232., Potchefstroom
  National Diploma in Executive Secretary; Certificate in Business Administration.

Operations & Finances

  Dr Bertus le Roux

  Business and Operations Manager.
  +27 18 299 1774
  Building K21, Room 110., Potchefstroom
  Honours Bachelor of Science-degree in Human Movement Sciences (with specialisation in Biokinetics); PhD in Relationship Marketing (specialising in Customer Experience Management).
  Customer Experience Management.

  Ms Karlien van Schalkwyk

  Project Coordinator; Lecturer; Researcher.
  +27 18 299 2090
  Building K21, Room 107., Potchefstroom
  BSc Human Movement Sciences and Nutrition; Honn Nutrition; MSc Nutrition; Short Course in Conference and Event Management; Certificate in Diabetes Education.
  Nutrition; Conference and Event Management; Research Methodology (qualitative, quantitative, review); Health Professional Education; Transdisciplinary Health Promotion.

  Mr Alastair Spannenberg

  Senior Administrative Assistant: Finance.
  +27 18 299 1801
  Building E 8, Room G18., Potchefstroom
  Business Administrative Certificate (BAC).
  Finances (Debits and Credits).

Sport Science & Biokinetics

  A/Prof Yolandi Willemse

  Head of CHHP: Sport Science & Biokinetics
  +27 18 299 1811
  Building K 21, Room G10, Potchefstroom
  BA in Human Movement Science
  Sports Management, Netball Exercise Science.

  Mrs Alinah Sepeng

  Senior Administrative Assistant to HOD for CHHP: Sport Science & Biokinetics.
  +27 18 285 2720
  Building _K21, Room G12. , Potchefstroom
  OHS Skills certificate.
  Assistance to HOD of CHHP: Sport Science and Biokinetics bookings; Manage correspondence; Office supplies; Administration.

  Mrs Jana Storm

  Manager CHHP: Sport Science; Lecturer.
  +27 18 299 4441
  Building K 21, Office G14., Potchefstroom
  Masters in Sport Science MSc.
  VO2 max; the use of MT and NMT.

  Mr Mosa Matshego

  Temporary Administrative Assistant for CHHP: Sport Science & Biokinetics Practice.
  Building K21, Practice., Potchefstroom
  BA Human Movement Science; Diploma in Sport Science.

  Mr Cor Leijenaar

  Manager CHHP: Biokinetics.
  +2718 299 1823
  Building K21, Room G07., Potchefstroom
  Hons Biokinetics.
  Running Injuries Rehabilitation; Running Analysis; Shoe Prescription.

  Mrs Naomi Nel

  Administrative Assistant for CHHP: Sport Science & Biokinetics Practice.
  +27 18 299 1824
  Building K21, Practice., Potchefstroom
  Foundation for Business Studies.
  Administration; Finance.

  Mrs Kyra Duvenage

  Senior Sport Scientist.
  +27 299 1828
  Building K 21, Room G16., Potchefstroom
  BA in Human Movement Sciences; BA Hons in Sport Sciences; MA in Sport Science.
  Athletic performance testing; Athlete development; Athlete monitoring; Team and Individual sport screening; Fitness testing.

  Ms Marike Jackson (Maree)

  Senior Sport Scientist.
  Building K21, Room G15., Potchefstroom
  BSc Human Movement Sciences and Physiology; BSc Honours in Sport Science.
  Netball periodisation, Isokinetic strength, Force plate analysis, Athlete development.

  Mr Bert Moolman

  Sport Scientist.
  +27 18 299 4310
  Building K21, Room G12., Potchefstroom
  BA Human Movement Sciences and Psychology; BA Hons Sport Science; MA Sport Science.
  Biomechanics; Strength and Conditioning; Performance Analysis; Recovery Strategies; Research and Innovation; Performance Enhancement.

  Mrs Jade Coetzee

  Sport Scientist.
  Building K21, Room G15.,
  BA Human Movement Science & Psychology; BHSc Hons in Sport Science; BHSc Hons in Biokinetics.
  Rugby; Soccer; Hockey.

  Mr Jean Stofberg

  +27 18 299 1825
  Building K21, Room G09., Potchefstroom
  BA Human Movement Studies; BAHons Psychology; B Sport ScHons Biokinetics; MSc MED Biokinetics.
  Orthopaedic final phase rehabilitation.

  Ms Lizaan Enslin

  +27 18 299 1824
  Building K21, Room G13., Potchefstroom
  BA in Human Movement Sciences and Psychology; BSc Honours in Biokinetics; MSc in Human Movement Sciences.
  Wellness Promotion; Orthopaedic Rehabilitation; Clinical Rehabilitation.

  Ms Robyn Murphy

  +27 18 299 1824
  Building K21, Room G13., Potchefstroom
  BA in Human Movement Science and Psychology; BSc Honours in Biokinetics.
  Orthopaedic, clinical and wellness rehabilitation.

  Ms Jené Gallon

  Junior Biokineticist for Rugby.
  Building K21, Room G17., Potchefstroom
  Hons in BHSC Biokinetics.

  Capt Tsholofelo Masenya

  Biokineticist for SANDF.
  +27 18 299 1824
  Building K21, Room G21., Potchefstroom
  BA Human Movement Science; BHSc Honours Biokinetics; MSc Biokinetics.
  Soccer injury prevention; Rehabilitation.

  Dr Sweetness Beteck

  Biokineticist for SANDF.
  +27 18 299 1824
  Building K21, Room G., Potchefstroom
  MSc Biokinetics.
  Cooperate Wellness, Rehabilitation.

  Ms Tembisile Jolingona

  Biokineticist for SANDF.

Psychology & Wellbeing

  Dr Rümando Kok

  Clinical Psychologist; Senior Lecturer; Head of CHHP: Psychology & Wellbeing Clinical Practice.
  +27 18 299 1738
  Building E8, Room 233., Potchefstroom
  BEd, BAHons (Psychology); MEd Educational Psychology; MA (Clinical Psychology); PhD (Psychology).
  Individual psychotherapy for adults; Couples therapy; Family therapy.

  Mrs Maurice Harmse

  CHHP: Psychology & Wellbeing Practice Manager.
  +27 18 299 1737
  Building E8, Room 230., Potchefstroom

  Prof Ankebé Kruger

  Professor in Psychology and Sport Science; Head of Research in the CHHP.
  +27 18 285 2550
  Building E8, Room 238B., Potchefstroom
  B.Comm (Sport & Recreation management); B.Comm Honours in Sport Science; MSc in Sport Science; PhD in Sport Science; BSc. Honours (Psychology); MSc Counselling Psychology; PhD (Psychology).
  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy; Dialectical Behavior Therapy; Sport & Performance Psychology.

  Dr Monique De Klerk

  Counselling Psychologist; Senior Lecturer.
  +27 18 299 1737
  Building E8, Room 234., Potchefstroom
  Bed Senior & FET; BA Hons Psychology, MA Counselling Psychology; PhD Psychology.
  Trauma; crisis containment and bereavement; Life stressors; Adolescents; Adults.

  Ms Puleng Khotlele

  Senior Intern Counselling Psychologist.
  BA in Psychology and Sociology; BA Hons in Psychology; MA in Counselling Psychology.

  Ms Imke van Rooyen

  Intern Psychologist.
  +27 18 299 1737
  Building E8, Room 223., Potchefstroom
  BA in Health Sciences; Bachelor of Health Sciences Honours in Psychology; MHSC in Counselling Psychology.

  Ms Naledi Letsoso

  Intern Counselling Psychologist.
  +27 18 299 1737
  Building E8, Room 226., Potchefstroom
  Baccalaureus in Social Work; BA Hons in Psychology; MHSC in Counselling Psychology.

  Mr Neville Robertson

  Associate Counselling Psychologist.
  Ba(Hon) Psychology; MSc Research Psychology; MHSc Counselling Psychology.
  Virtual reality in psychotherapy; Emotional intelligence; Sport and corporate performance; Adult pathology; Schema therapy; Cognitive behavioural therapy.

  Ms Lizé-Marié van der Walt

  Associate Psychologist.
  Bachelor of Arts; Honours with specialisation in Psychology; Masters of Arts in Counselling Psychology.
  Anxiety; Depression; Life stressors; Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT); Schema Therapy.

  Dr Monique Basson

  Associate Psychologist.
  Bachelor of Social Sciences in Human and Societal Dynamics; Bachelor of Social Science Hons; Master of Social Science; Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology; Masters of Social Science in Counselling Psychology.
  Substance- and alcohol related disorders; Chemical dependence; Depression; Anxiety; Life stressors.


  Mrs Hanlie Degenaar

  Manager CHHP: Care2Kids; Senior Speech-language therapist;
  +27 18 299 1739
  Building E8, Room 221., Potchefstroom
  B.Logopedics & Audiology; M Communication pathology; Certificate in Social Media Marketing; Certified Hanen It Takes Two to Talk and More Than Words program facilitator; Certified Legoâ Serious Playâ method facilitator; Certified Tall Trees Leadership Profile facilitator.
  Communication-interaction analysis & intervention; Neurodevelopmental disorders and -therapy; Early Communication Intervention; Pediatric/Adult dysphagia & feeding disorders; Augmentative & Alternative Communication; Autism assessment & intervention.

  Ms Blessing Mongwe

  Administrative Assistant Care2Kids Practice (Potchesftroom).
  +27 18 299 1737
  Building E8, Room 230., Potchefstroom
  BA in Psychology and English; Certificate in Digital Marketing.
  Administration; Marketing Content Creation.

  Dr Michelle Bach

  Clinical Psychologist; Lecturer.
  +27 18 299 1737
  Building E8, Room 235., Potchefstroom
  BSc Physiology and Psychology; BSc Hons Psychology; MSc Clinical Psychology; PhD Psychology; Foundational Course in Neuropsychology.
  Neurodevelopmental disorders; Mood disorders; Anxiety disorders and mental health difficulties in children and adolescents; Scholastic challenges; Young aspiring sports athletes.

  Dr Carla Groenewald

  Specialist Psychiatrist.
  +27 18 299 1737
  Building E8, Room 230., Potchefstroom
  Specialised Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

  Ms Linique Hanekom

  Speech Language Therapist.
  +27 18 299 1735
  Building E8, Room 232A., Potchefstroom
  B.Communication Pathology in Speech-Language Pathology.
  Special interest in neurodevelopmental disorders; Early communication intervention; language and specific learning disorders.

  Ms Megan Janse van Rensburg

  Speech-language therapist.
  +27 18 299 4969
  Building E8, Room 238A., Potchefstroom
  B Communication pathology (Speech-language pathology).
  Special interest in fluency disorders; Lee-Silverman voice therapy®; Early childhood language interventions; Feeding disorders; Language and language learning therapy.

  Prof Cornelia Wessels

  Forensic Social Worker
  +27 18 299 1735
  Forensic Assessments Sexual Abuse Assessments Child Assesments (Divorce) Mediation

  Prof Greg Lamb

  Paediatric Neurologist.
  +27 18 299 1738 or +27 87 813 8738
  Building E8, Room 221., Potchefstroom
  BSc MBChB Dip.(Allergy); MMed FCP (Paeds); Cert.(Paeds Neuro.); MPhil (Paeds Neuro).

  Mrs Gennie Laubscher

  Practice Manager for CHHP: Care2Kids Satellite Practice.
  087 813 8738
  CHHP: Care2Kids Satellite Practice, Pretoria.,

  Ms Bredget Masemola

  Administrative Assistant for CHHP: Care2Kids Satellite Practice.
  +27 87 813 8738
  CHHP Satellite Practice, Pretoria, Room 319., Potchefstroom
  ECD Fundamentals certificate.