Welcome to the newly developed ADEP System

Online ethics system

The Faculty of Health Sciences Ethics Office for Research, Training and Support is excited to announce the go-live of the ADEP solution. ADEP (Agile Digitisation of Ethics Processes) is a step-by-step online solution to streamline and optimise the capturing, approval and monitoring of health research ethics applications.
The following business processes are covered in the system:


Online ethics system


At present, the ADEP solution’s go-live requires that each user be registered onto the solution. The following infographic will guide supervisors and postgraduate students about the process.



For more information and assistance, please send an email to ethics-systemhelp@nwu.ac.za


How to get started:

Click the following links to watch training videos on how to create an application and how to complete it.


Registering and signing into ADEP

Starting a new application