Report a potential breach in research integrity

How to report a potential breach in research integrity

No formal template for reporting a potential breach in Responsible Conduct of Research has been developed as each case is unique.
The alleger reports the potential breach to the DD: R&I and the RIO (in the office of the DVC: R&I) in: 

  1. A formal letter with as much detail as necessary.  
  2. Attach all the documents that will support the allegation.

In the letter the alleger should indicate:

  1. The nature of the possible breach.
  2. The FHS RI SOP describing the breach.
  3. As much detail about the act(s) of the researcher.
  4. What documents are attached to provide the necessary merits and grounds for reporting the case.

Persons to report to.
Should you wish to report a potential breach in research integrity please make contact with both the:

1. Deputy Dean: Research and Innovation (Prof Jeanetta du Plessis at AND the
2. Research Integrity Officer (RIO) in the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Prof Minrie Greeff at