Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciences (with) Nursing Sciences




Programme: (with) Nursing Sciences

Qualification code:  8CB R07
Curriculum code: G901P/M


The student should be able to execute the profession of Nursing as an expert at a highly specialised level and to distinguish him/her as a leader in research in the  field  of  Nursing Science. He/she  should  be  able  to  initiate  research  and understand and predict future tendencies. Furthermore, he/she should be able to lead others in the use of advanced Research  Methodology in nursing studies and to add knowledge to the knowledge base of Nursing Science.

The  general  closing  date  for  applications  is  31  October.  (After  this  date, applications will be considered on merit). Studies can be conducted on a  full-time or part-time basis.

Minimum requirements

Faculty specific rules and requirements of the programme

  • Students will only be admitted to the PhD degree if they are in possession of a suitable master’s degree or a qualification which the Senate considers equivalent.
  • The candidate must have achieved at least 65% in the master’s degree.
  • The candidate must submit a provisional project proposal in an acceptable academic format, as part of the selection process.
  • Selection is subject to academic performance, practical considerations and available capacity and expertise in the research entity and subject group and the approval by the Director of NUMIQ research focus area.
  • A doctoral study programme must be completed successfully (details are available from the research director)
  • After presenting the research proposal to the, the student should defend it during a doctoral seminar (NuMiQ scientific Committee).

Selection process

1. Documents submitted with application
2. Essay on area of proposed study. (Students need to fit in promoter's research programme)
3. Assessment of academic literacy
4. Possible selection panel interview

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