Current Student Hub

Current Student Hub

Welcome to the Current Student Hub of COMPRES, your centralised resource centre for all things related to your academic journey.

Here, you'll find essential information, support services, and resources tailored specifically for our COMPRES Master's and PhD students at North-West University.

COMPRES Research Proposal Templates

Below you can find the templates for your research proposal as well as the COMPRES rebuttal form.

Please note. That there are two different templates that are adapted to suit the need of your research method (Empirical Research or Review Research).

These templates are for Master's and Doctoral proposals.

Qualitative/Quantitative/Mixed-Method (Empirical Research) Proposal Template

Review Study Proposal Template

COMPRES Rebuttal Form

Submission Dates

Stay on track with important submission dates for research proposals and ethics applications.

For COMPRES, Ethics, and Research Data Gatekeepers Committee submission dates click on the links below:

COMPRES Scientific Submission Dates 2024

Submission Dates


HREC Ethics Application Submission Dates 2024

Research Data Gatekeeper Committee (RDGC) Submission Dates 2024*

*Note. Should you aim to include NWU staff or students as research participants or would like to gain access to data (held by the NWU) you also need to apply for permission via the NWU Research Data Gatekeeper Committee (RDGC).

Standard Operating Procedure for COMPRES Scientific Committee

The Standard Operating Procedure for the COMPRES Scientific Committee in accordance and in alignment with the Terms of Reference of Scientific Committees in the Faculty of Health Sciences.

Ethics Applications

Ensure that you adhere to all ethical requirements when applying for ethical approval from HREC.

The link below will navigate you to the NWU HREC Application and Notification page where you will find all information and documents needed for your HREC Application.

HREC Application and Notification Forms

Research Data Gatekeepers Committee (RDGC) Applications

If you are collecting data from NWU staff or students or would like to gain access to data held by the NWU.

Ensure to complete the provided Application Forms on the RDGC webpage for:

  1. General Research Data Collection
  2. Internal Operational Use Data Collection

NWU Research Support

Get the support you need for your research endeavors, including access to libraries, databases, research tools, and assistance from faculty members and research staff. Find resources to help you conduct rigorous and impactful research in your field.


Scientific Writing & Academic Material

The NWU Library provides free access to academic resources such as journal articles and academic books


NWU Library Training Sessions

Check out the NWU Library training sessions it includes Endnote training, Excel and Word training, and many more.

These training sessions are presented year round.

Postgraduate Word Template

You can access the latest up-to-date Word template for your research from the NWU Templates for Postgraduates.

Note. The template is free for all staff and students with additional training sessions

Referencing and Academic Writing

Enhance your writing skills with helpful guides and resources covering various aspects of academic writing.



Referencing remains a major part of your research and not adhering to referencing principles could make you guilty of academic misconduct.

The NWU provides students with resources and tools to assist you in the process:


NWU Writing Centre

The NWU also provides free of charge writing services to students

These services assist you in developing autonomous academic writing skills such as clarification, planning and organisation, and source integration.

You can book an appointment on the NWU Writing Centre page

Bursaries, Grants, and Financial Aid

Explore opportunities for financial support, including bursaries, grants, and other forms of financial assistance.


NWU Financial Support Services (FSS)

For more information you can make contact with the FSS office – FSS Office Contact


NWU Postgraduate Bursary Scheme

The bursary applications for 2024 are open:

Please note. The closing date for Master’s and Doctoral Bursaries: 31 March 2024

Students in their Second Year of the degree must also attach the prescribed progress report


NWU Postgraduate Academic Merit Bursary

For full information visit NWU Postgraduate Merit Bursary

Please note:

This bursary scheme is a separate scheme and students from other universities should apply for this bursary in their first year of Honuours, Master’s or Doctoral studies.

Merit bursaries for NWU students are automated.


Research Funding and Training Opportunities

For further information and opportunities on funding:

  1. NRF Funding
  2. International Grants
  3. University Capacity Development Grant
  4. Search on ResearchConnect (Grant funding search tool)

Visit the NWU Research Funding webpage

Career Planning and Job Searches

Prepare for your future career with resources and guidance on career planning, job search strategies, CV and interview training, networking, and professional development opportunities.


NWU Career Centre

Access the NWU Career Centre’s support services to help you navigate your career path successfully.


Counselling Services and Health & Wellness

Prioritise your well-being with access to counselling services, mental health resources, and support for maintaining a healthy work-student life balance. Take care of your physical and mental health to thrive academically and personally.

The NWU offers a wide range of free services to ensure your health and well-being

Submission Guidelines

Navigate the submission process smoothly with comprehensive guidelines from the application process to the final submission of your mini-dissertation/dissertation/thesis. As per the A Rules of the North-West University.

Follow the link below for your all-in-one support stop:

Higher degree academic lifecycle forms (M & D)

Critical Appraisal Tools and Risk of Bias Assessment for Review Studies

Conducting a review study and need to make use of critical appraisal and/or risk of bias assessment tools?

Here you can find some useful tools and information on various tools to use during your critical appraisal and/or risk of bias assessment phase.

Remember that there exists a difference between critical appraisal and risk of bias assessment tools



Please note. That the provided tools only provide an overview of available tools and more appropriate tools could be available that best suit the scientific need of your research.