Drug Discovery

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The members of the drug discovery sub-programme have expertise in organic synthesis, structure elucidation, biochemical screening, molecular modelling and property determination.

Research topics

  • Design, synthesise and characterise chemical compounds of interest;
  • Evaluate the activities of the compounds at selected biochemical targets;
  • Evaluate selected structural, physicochemical, biochemical and pharmacokinetic properties of the compounds.



Master of Science (MSc) Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Programme code:      8DE N01
Curriculum code:       G801P
Module code:             FCHG 871 [Pharmaceutical Chemistry]

The minimum duration for the study is one year and the maximum duration two years, calculated from the date of the first registration for the particular programme. The faculty’s decision is based on the current subsidy model for universities and may differ from other faculties or regulations.
Although a maximum study period of two years is granted by the faculty, students who apply for an additional third study year according to the Academic rules of the University, must note that it will have financial implications for them.
The MSc degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry is a research-based degree and consists of a research project and the writing of a dissertation in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. The aim of the curriculum is to provide in South Africa’s need of high-level manpower in the pharmacy profession.  The student will distinguish himself/herself as a specialist in the specific chosen field and will be capable of applying Research Methodology at this level and in the specific field of study.
The curriculum is presented fulltime in Afrikaans and English.

Admission requirements:

  • A four year BPharm degree, a BSc (Pharm) degree and a suitable honours degree with Chemistry on at least third year level, or a qualification which the Senate deems to be equivalent. In all the aforementioned cases additional course work will be required as determined by the sub-programme leader.
  • Students who do not have a BPharm degree will be assessed according to prior learning.
  • A 60% pass mark will be required for first semester modules in the final year of the BPharm degree
  • Selection involves the submission of a formal application form, an internal selection form and curriculum vitae by the applicant as well as a possible interview by the sub-programme leader and researchers.
  • The research director may refuse a prospective student admission to a curriculum if the standard of proficiency that the student has reached previously in the specific subject(s) wherein he/she wants to study does not comply with the specific curriculum requirements.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Programme code:      8CC R01
Curriculum code:       G901P
Module code:             FCHG 971 [Pharmaceutical Chemistry]
The PhD degree is a research-based degree and consists of a study (research project) and a thesis in one of the following curriculum: Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
The curriculum is presented on a fulltime basis in Afrikaans and English.
This curriculum has a dual aim, namely:
  • for the student who has reached the level of a master’s degree in the Pharmaceutical Sciences and Practice, to show with a doctoral thesis that he/she has made a significant contribution to the development of (1) new scientific knowledge, and/or (2) new skills in a specific research field, thus making an addition of value to the community in the fields of knowledge and skills in his/her specific field, and
  • To provide South Africa with advanced pharmaceutical scientists and practising manpower with advanced theoretical and practical knowledge in different pharmaceutical-scientific and practice disciplines.  With this qualification the student can contribute to a broadening of the leadership base for innovative and knowledge-based economic and scholastic activities in the country.

Admission requirements:

  • A Master’s degree or equivalent qualification as approved by Senate is required in the particular field of specialization.
  • Selection involves the submission of a formal application form, an internal selection form and curriculum vitae by the applicant as well as a possible interview by the sub-programme leader and researchers.
  •  Admission may be refused if the standard of proficiency that the student has acquired previously in the specific subject(s) in which the student wants to study further does not meet the requirements of the program/curriculum.
  • In the case where a student wish to present a thesis in the form of research articles, the stipulations of the General Rules hold.