Health Promotion & Wellbeing Activation



Health in South Africa is best understood within a historical context of health inequalities and a quadruple disease burden. With a small, unaffordable, but highly skilled private healthcare sector and a large public healthcare system that functions according to a primary healthcare philosophy, we need to strengthen health promotion for citizens to have more control over their own health. Health promotion is a dynamic process to enable people to have more control over and improve their health. This implies focusing on individual behaviour, health promotion action areas, and the social determinants of health.

At the Africa Unit for Transdisciplinary Health Research (AUTHeR), we support a community-based participatory approach to health promotion, being in communities and adhering to sustainable community development principles. We acknowledge that changing human behaviour is complex, but it is also the tipping point towards preventative care.

Cancer ribbon on calendar

World Health Calendar

Health calendars are vital in raising awareness, promoting education, and mobilising action on important health issues. By designating specific dates or periods for focused attention, health calendars contribute to improved public health outcomes, enhanced disease prevention efforts, and greater community engagement in health promotion.

By highlighting events such as World AIDS Day, World Cancer Day, or World Mental Health Day, these calendars create opportunities for individuals, communities, organisations, and governments to engage in activities to raise awareness, disseminate information, and promote healthy behaviours.


World Health Calendar

health promotion initiatives

Health Promotion Initiatives 

AUTHeR is proud to be the driving force of the following health promotion initiatives. 

North West on Wellness (NOW!)



In addition to being the driver of several health promotion initiatives, AUTHeR is also proud to collaborate with the following health promotion initiatives.

Western Cape on Wellness (WOW!)



Public Health Association of South Africa (PHASA)

The Public Health Association of South Africa (PHASA) is a professional organisation that promotes public health in South Africa. PHASA is a membership-based organisation that brings together individuals and organisations working in the field of public health to collaborate, advocate for health issues, and contribute to policy development and implementation.

PHASA Conference 2023: Transforming Research Translation - Reimagining Public Health Evidence, Policies, and Practice



Team members

Our team

Prof Petra Bester - Research Director

Prof Lanthé Kruger - Senior Researcher

Prof Lusilda Schutte - Senior Researcher

Dr Christi Niesing - Senior Researcher