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All staff members of the Ethics Office and the REC members should be aware of the procedure to follow for the establishment of a SOP for research ethics within the Faculty of Health Sciences to ensure a standardised approach.

Should the need arise for the establishment of a new SOP for either the Ethics Office or one of the RECs, a request must be submitted to the Head of the Ethics Office.


Huidige SBP's:

1.1   SOP for the establishment of SOPs in the Faculty of Health Sciences Ethics Office

1.2   SOP for selection, appointment and functioning of the RECs of the Faculty of Health Sciences

1.3   SOP for incident and serious adverse event reporting and management

1.4   SOP for the research ethics approval application process

1.5   SOP for complaints management

1.6   SOP for monitoring and amendment of approved research studies

1.7   SOP for the expedited review process

1.8   SOP for whistleblowing pertaining to research
        (Includes the Form for the reporting of possible research misconduct, fraud, maladministration, or non-adherence to approved   
          research procedures, guidelines or policies