
Prof Carlien van Wyk (CCYF) Acting Head: Centre for Child Youth and Family Studies
Head: Centre for Child, Youth and Family Studies Associate professor: Researcher and supervisor +27 21 864 3593 18 Malan Street, Wellington, 7655 Western Cape , Potchefstroom PhD in Social work, MA in Social work (Play therapy), BA in Social work Social work, play therapy, children’s participation in the context of children’s rights, child protection
Prof Mariette van der Merwe (CCYF)
Associate Professor, Researcher 018 285 2334 N18 Malan Street, Wellington Malanstraat 18, Wellington, Potchefstroom BA Social Work (Cum laude), BA Maatskaplike Werk (Cum Laude), Honours Social Work (Cum Laude), Honneurs Maatskaplike Werk (Cum Laude), Masters Social Work (Cum Laude), Trauma, marginalised populations, visual data collection; Trauma, kwesbare groeperings, visuele data insamelingResearch on victims of crime (gun violence, stabbing-related violence, rape, school violence, elder abuse, migrant trauma, gender-based violence)

Dr Issie Jacobs (CCYF)
Senior lecturer - Full time researcher and supervisor +27 21 864 3593 18 Malan Street, Wellington, Western Cape 7655. Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom B.SocSc (SW), MA (Play therapy), PhD Environmental social work, climate change issues, disaster management, family relational well-being
Dr Susanne Jacobs (CCYF)
Senior lecturer - Full time researcher and supervisor +27 82 783 7474 Duke AVE Irene Farm Villages, Centurion, Potchefstroom PhD Education and MDIAC masters in Play therapy Resilience, Psycho-Social Well-being, and Strenghs-Based Research: Relational Health Strengthening, restoring, and preserving communitiesDr. Susanne Jacobs supervises postgraduate research methodology and subject-specific content at the NWU in COMPRES (Community psychosocial health and wellbeing, Centre for Child, Youth, and Family Studies, in social work, and AUTHéR, Africa Unit for Trans disciplinary Health Promotion.
Supervising themes of interest and focus in qualitative research is to restore, preserve, and strengthen community and individual psychosocial resilience, health and relational health and wellbeing through strengths-based approaches. Using Appreciative Inquiry, based on positive psychology, promotes resilience, good health, well-being, and healthy relationships in schools and families in diverse societies, ultimately supporting the development of culturally responsive approaches. Counselling based interests include, amongst others, Gestalt, Cognitive-behavioral, Narrative therapy, Positive Psychology and Attachment theories, and educationally-based marriage enrichment.
Dr Lizane Wilson (CCYF)
Senior lecture - Researcher +27 21 864 3593 North-West University, Wellington office East Street Wellington Western Cape 7655, Potchefstroom, Potchefstroom PhD (Curriculum Studies), M Diac (Play therapy), B Diac (Social work) Child sexual abuse prevention, Community engagementThe prevention of sexual violence against children is increasingly being prioritized as a global priory, but is still a neglected area. When multiple risk factors are present in a community, the children in this community are even more prone to become victims of CSA. Therefore this research project focuses on the development and design of a child sexual abuse preventative intervention strategy in a high-risk community in the North West Province. This will be done using a community engagement approach and six sub-studies where multiple data collection methods will be used to support the strategy development and implementation.