

The research entity “Medicine" Usage in South Africa (MUSA)” has the unique research purpose of understanding those factors that influence patients’ appropriate use of medicine within the Southern African healthcare context.

In 2008, MUSA was established as a research niche area within the Faculty of Health Sciences of the NWU; more specifically, the entity developed from two subject groups, namely Pharmacy Practice and Clinical Pharmacy, in the School of Pharmacy. The research entity achieved focus area status in 2023.

MUSA has established itself as a crucial role player in creating a sustainable and safe environment for the use of medicine to positively impact access to quality medicine and improve the health profile of the southern African community. This is achieved by conducting relevant and high-quality postgraduate training and research on the appropriate use of medicine by patients in both the public and private healthcare sectors in Southern Africa and by building the capacity of resources in the safe use of medicine through collaborative partnerships and empowerment. 

MUSA also aims to advance the knowledge of relevant target groups through the delivery of innovative products and solutions.






According to the Medicines and Related Substances Act 101 of 1965, medicine items are defined as “substances intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, modification, or prevention of disease, abnormal physical or mental state, or the symptoms thereof in man”.

The appropriate use of medicine includes the safe and effective use of quality assured medicine, the correct dosage form, strength, dosing time schedules, and treatment periods in conjunction with the diagnosis and in the interest of the patient with no intent to harm the community. According to the WHO (2014:22), patients receive medication appropriately if medication is prescribed according to their clinical needs and in doses meeting their own individual requirements for an adequate period, and, at the lowest possible cost to them and their community.