Staff - Psychology

Mrs Alicia Le Grange
Lecturer +27 18 285 2570 Building E8, Room G26, Potchefstroom BSc Health Sciences, BSc Honours in Psychology, MSc in Counselling Psychology, PGCE (Senior & FET)
Prof Caroll Hermann
Associate Professor 018 389 2496 Building A17, Room 135, Mahikeng BPsych, MS (ClinPsych), PhD Ecopsychology, social media studies
Ms Cheryl Petersen
Lecturer +27 18 299 1482 Building E8, Room K11, Potchefstroom M.A. Research Psychology; M.A. Counselling Psychology; HDE (P/G) Interests in various aspects of Developmental Psychology, Psychological assessments, Career counselling and psychotherapy.
Prof Choja Akpovire Oduaran
Professor; Subject Group Deputy Leader +27 18 389 2901 Building F3, Room 3.1, Potchefstroom Phd Counselling And Human Services, Msoc Clinical Psychology Community, Family, Gender, Communication, Work Life & Intergenerational Relationships Research
Dr Christiaan Bekker
Senior Lecturer, Deputy Director: School of Psychosocial Health +27 16 910 3418 Gebou A13, Kamer 119, Vanderbijlpark PhD Psychology, BA, BA Hons Theology, BA Hons Psychology, MA Positive Psychology Academic boredom, Well-being, Positive Psychological Interventions, LGBTQI+
Dr Daniel Letsoalo
Primary Researcher and Supervisor 0658831821/0814274566 Ipelegeng Child and Family centre, Building F3, Mahikeng B.A. (Social Sciences)B.A. Hons (Psychology)
M.A. Clinical Psychology and DLitt et Phil/Ph.D Mental Health, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Sexuality and African Psychology

Prof Elmari Deacon
Deputy Director: School of Psychosocial Health, Acting School of Psychosocial Health Director +27 18 299 1728 Building E8, Room G19, Potchefstroom PhD, MA (Clinical Psychology), Hons (Psychology), BComm (Industrial Psychology) Child therapy, Positive Psychology, Adjustment to diabetes managementProf Esmé van Rensburg
Full Professor and promoter +27 18 299 1727 Building E8, Room K15, Potchefstroom PhD (Child Psychology) Child Psychopathology, Child Psychotherapy, Psychological Evaluation of children, families from divorce and Ethics.
Mr Gerhard Rodgers
Lecturer 016 910 3093 Building A13, Room 123, Vanderbijlpark BA Psychology and Sociology, Bachelor of Health Sciences Honours Psychology, MA Research Psychology. Research methodologies, qualitative research, Visual Methodologies, Resilience
Mr Hershel Meyerowitz
Lecturer +2718 285 2569 Building E8, Room G27, Potchefstroom Bsc Behavioural Genetics, Hons Psychology, MA Clinical Psychology Psychology, Identity, Social media, Non-verbal Communication.
Dr Ingrid Opperman
Primary Researcher and Supervisor +27 18 299 2698 Building E8, Room G16, Potchefstroom MA Research Psychology (Wits), PhD Psychology (Wits) Research methods, psychometrics, and cognitive psychology, neuropsychology
Prof Johan Potgieter
Professor +27 18 299 1731 Building E8, Room 131, Potchefstroom BSc (Psychology and Physiology), MSc (Clinical Psychology), PhD (Psychology Optimal functioning of individuals, groups and communities. I have a specific focus on the facilitation of resilience and psychological strengths by means of Adventure or Nature-assisted Therapy.
Prof Karel Botha
Full Professor, NRF Researcher and Promoter +27 18 299 1726 Building E8, Room 125, Potchefstroom BA (Psychology)BA (Hons) Psychology
MA (Clinical Psychology)
PhD (Psychology) Clinical Psychology, specifically self-regulatory and adaptive behavioural systems.

Mr Lawrence Lekau Mamabolo
Lecturer 016 910 4001 Building A13, office 120, Vanderbijlpark MA Research Psychology, BA HONS Psychology, BA Health Sciences and Social Services (specialisation in psychological counselling). Registered Counsellor (HPCSA)
Dr Lelanie Malan
Senior Lecturer +27 18 285 2571 Building E8, room G25, Potchefstroom PhD Psychology, MSc (Clin Psych) (Cum Laude); MSc (Research Psych) (NWU Potchefstroom); PGCE (Cum Laude) (Stellenbosch University) BSc (Hon Psych); BSc (Psych) Interested in Neuropsychology and Research methodology
Ms Mianda Erasmus
Doctorandus, Supervisor and Psychology Programme Leader +27 18 389 2334 Ipelegeng Centre, Room 1.1, Potchefstroom BMUS (UFS) – 2005; BMUS HONS (UFS) – 2008; BA HONS in Psychology (UFS) – 2006; BA HONS in Language studies, French (UFS) – 2009; MA in Psychology (Research) (UFS) – 2007; MA in French (Teaching French as a Foreign Language) (UCT) - 2015 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: supporting first years, large classes, use of technology, excellent teaching on tertiary level.
Mrs Nikiwe Kwaeng
Temporary Lecturer 018 389 2367 Building A17, Office 124, Mahikeng M.SocSci in Clinical Psychology Child, Adolescent & Adult Psychopathology
Dr Petro Erasmus
Senior Lecturer +27 18 389 2386 Building A17, Office 143, Mahikeng PhD(Educational Psychology), MEd, Masters (Guidance and Counselling) Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Neuropsychology of Maths Achievement
Mrs Shaheda Khota
Lecturer 016 910 3504 Building A13, Room 112, Vanderbijlpark MA Clinical Psychology, Hons. Psychology, B.A. Psychology Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychopathology Substance Abuse
Dr Shanaé Theunissen
Lecturer +2716 910 3420 Building A13, Room 121, Vanderbijlpark BA in Psychology, Sociology and Languages, MA in Clinical Psychology, PhD in Psychology Gender-based violence, Trauma Fortology, Intervention research
Dr Tamlynn Jefferis
Senior Lecturer +27 16 910 3414 Building A13, Room 122, Vanderbijlpark PhD Psychology; MA Research Psychology; Hons Psychology; BA Psychology and English Social Research
Ms Tebello Mabusela
Lecturer +27 18 299 2610 Building E8, Room G28, Potchefstroom B. Social Work, B. Soc. Sc (Hons) Psychology, MA Counselling Psychology Psycho-social resilience, positive well-being & successful adaptation of individuals, groups and communities.
Dr Tertia Oosthuizen
Primary Researcher and Supervisor +27 18 299 2132 Building E8, Room 128, Potchefstroom Higher Diploma in Education; BA; BA (Hons) Industrial Psychology; MA (Industrial Psychology); MA (Counselling Psychology); PhD (Psychology) Positive Psychology, Trauma Intervention, Violence against women and children
Prof Werner de Klerk
Associate Professor / Research Psychologist and promoter +27 18 299 1725 Building E8, Room G24, Potchefstroom BA (Human Movement Sciences and Psychology); BA (Hons) Psychology; MA (Research Psychology); PhD (Psychology) Qualitative Research Methodology; Well-being of schools (school climate from Psychological perspective)
Prof Vicki Koen
Associate Professor 018 299 1745 Building E8, Room G122 , Potchefstroom PhD PsychologyMA Research Psychology
MA Positive Psychology
MA Psychology Research Psychology; Positive Psychology