The Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Research Day for 2022
“Unmasked Research-4-Health”
2nd November 2022, Building G20 of the North-West University, on the Potchefstroom Campus
Join us for the Dr Kenneth Kaunda Research Day The Dr Kenneth Kaunda District Research Day for 2022 is proudly titled “Unmasked Research-4-Health” and promises to bring researchers, practitioners, postgraduate students, and key role-players in health research in the North-West Province, together. The Research Day serves as an ideal platform to present health-related research conducted in the North-West Province and is initiated and coordinated by Dr Carien Lion-Cachet, chair of the Dr Kenneth Kaunda District research committee.
Abstracts close on 30 September 2022 and both podium and poster presentations are welcome. The day promises to showcase not only research but also innovative technologies and pioneering events in the Province.
When and where the event will take place:
This event will be held on the 2nd of November, at Building G20 of the North-West University, on the Potchefstroom Campus and starts at 08:30 for 09:00 until 16:00.
Registration and abstract submission information: