Office of the Research Director

Office of the Research Director

Retha Bloem

  Prof Retha Bloem

  Research Director
  +27 21 8643593
  North West University, 18 Malan Street, Wellington 7655, Western Cape, Potchefstroom
  BSW BA (hons) sociology MSW MA DPhil (UP)
  Higher Education Management, Social justice and transformation, Human dignity and Research integrity

  Prof Elmien Crofford

  Associate Professor, COMPRES Research Coordinator
  +27 16 910 3505
  Building A21, Office G19.5, Vanderbijlpark
  BA Social Work (Stellenbosch University); MA Forensic practice (NWU Potchefstroom); PhD in Social Work (NWU Vanderbijlpark)
  Child protection

  Prof Vincent Mabvurira

  Associate Professor, COMPRES Research Coordinator
  018 389 2233
  Office 128, Building A17, Mahikeng
  PhD Social Work (UL), MSW (UZ), BSW (UZ)
  Environmental social work; IKS; Religion, spirituality & Social Work

Operational Manager: Western Cape regional office

  Mrs Abigail Warne (CCYF)

  Financial Officer
  +27 21 864 3593
  Diploma in Management (Lyceum); Certificate in Office Management (Unisa); Diploma in Secretarial Studies

  Mrs Louise van Wyk

  Administrative Assistant
  +27 21 864 3593
  North West University, 18 Malan Street, Wellington 7655, Western Cape, Potchefstroom
  Grade 12, Certificate in Office Management, Advance Office Management, Christian Emergency and Trauma Counseling

  Ms Melanie Strydom

  Senior Administration Assistant
  +27 21 864 3593
  North West University, 18 Malan Street, Wellington, 7655, Western Cape, Potchefstroom
  Grade 12, Certificate in Office Management, Certificate in Advanced Office Management

  Ms Thenjiwe Gazi

  Personal Assistant to the Research Director
  Room G05, Building E8, Potchefstroom
  BA Psychology and Sociology BA Honours Sociology MA Industrial Sociology (current)

Project Administrators

  Mrs Elinda de Klerk

  Project Administrator
  Building E8, Room G04B, Potchefstroom
  BA Psychology and Sociology BA Honours in Psychology MA Research Psychology PhD Psychology (2022-present)
  Forensic Psychology and Research Methodology

  Mrs Jessica Daniel-Smit

  Project Administrator
  +27 18 299 1745
  Building E8, Room G11, Potchefstroom
  BA Psychology and Labour Relations, Honours Psychology, MHSC Research Psychology
   Psychopathology and Intervention Research

  Mr Ryan du Toit

  Project Administrator
  MHSC in Research Psychology (Distinction)
BHons Psychology (Distinction)
Bcom Industrial Psychology and Labour Relations (Distinction)
Bcom Management Accountancy
  Research Methodology and Community Psychology

  Mr Neville Robertson

  Project Administrator
  Ba(Hon) Psychology, MSc Research Psychology, MHSc Counselling Psychology.  Focus on AI and virtual reality in Psychology.
  Neville Robertson is a HPCSA registered counselling psychologist and HPCSA registered research psychologist. As Project administrator he manages the Simulation Lab for virtual reality in COMPRES.

Research Psychology Interns

   Madelie Stols

  Research Psychology Intern
  Building E8, Room G11, Potchefstroom
  B.A. in Psychology and Labour Relations B.Com. in Industrial and Organizational Psychology with Labour Relations Management B.H.Sc. Honours in Psychology M.H.Sc. in Research Psychology (In progress)

  Ms Rosalind Elmer-English

  Research Psychology Intern
  Building E8, Room G11, Potchefstroom
   Bachelor of Applied Social Science (Counselling and Psychology) Bachelor of Social Science Honours (Psychology) Master of Health Sciences in Research Psychology (current)

Post doctoral Fellows

  Dr Juliette Nkarenbi

  Postdoctoral Fellow
  Bachelor's degree in further education and training (University of Johannesburg); Bachelor of Arts Honours in Psychology (University of South Africa); Master of Health Sciences in Psychology (North-West University); Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (North-West University)
  Adolescents Emotions/Emotional Intelligence; Acculturation and posttraumatic growth; Student stress and their psychological functioning; Mental Health and Psychosocial well-being of young adults and the vulnerable; Mental health and Psychosocial well-bein